Spain -Uk-spain Routes run regularly

Spain -Uk-spain Routes run regularly

Some more useful Spanish words

Here is Part two of our useful words in Spanish series

  1. Cinema = Cine
  2. Long = Largo
  3. Exit = salida
  4. Bus = AutoBus
  5. Taxi = taxii
  6. Train = Tren
  7. House = Casa
  8. Clothes = Ropa
  9. Clothes shop = tienda de ropa
  10. Store = almacenar
  11. Shop = tienda
  12.  Great Britain =  gran Bretaña
  13. Speak = hablar
  14. Money = dinero
  15. Cat = Gato
  16. River = Rio
  17. Creek = Cala
  18. With = Con
  19. Cheese = queso
  20. passport = pasaporte
  21. Glass = vidrio
  22. Drink = Beber
  23. And = Y
  24. You = Tu
  25. Are = Son
  26. Father = Padre
  27. Dad = Papa
  28. Mother = madre
  29. Mum = Mama
  30. Are you = eres tú
  31. The = los
  32. Free = Libre
  33. Without = Sin
  34. Bag = bolso
  35. Offer = oferta
  36. Bad = Mala
  37. Juice = zumos
  38. Tuna = Atun
  39. years = años
  40. Turkey = Pavo
  41. cans = Latas


  1. Be carefull with number 39. year is año, years is años.

    ñ is what is called ni, and souns like the ni in the English word onion.

    What you have wrote is the plural ano, anos, the word ano means anus. Now imagine if someone asked you your age and you replied with "tengo viente anos" you'd be telling them that you had 20 bumholes.
